The Bad Ragartz is one of the world's largest open-air spectacles. Around 80 artists transform the environment in the spa town into a world full of exciting encounters with sculptures.
May 4, 2024
Grand Opening 9th Bad Ragartz - with event support from Lehnerakustik
14.00–16.00, meet the artists at their sculptures. At the same time, young up-and-coming musicians and experienced musicians such as Scalette Stocker or a duo from Les Chouettes will perform at all the major sculpture locations
17.00–18.00, opening ceremony on the Giessenpark Festwiese with speeches, comedy and culinary delights
19.00, Les Chouettes
20.45, Ribelsteaks
22.00–01.00, Afterparty with DJ OK
May 5, 2024
Eröffnung Festival der Kleinskulptur / Opening Festival of small sculptures
11.00, Altes Bad Pfäfers, Taminaschlucht
May 8, 2024
Opening Vaduz/Opening Vaduz
17.00, Rathaus Vaduz, Liechtenstein
Admission free, reservation by e-mail to info@erlebevaduz.li