Krähenbühl Etienne
The works of the artist Etienne Krähenbühl, born in Vevey in 1953, know how to fascinate adults and children alike. He is present at the 9th Swiss Sculpture Triennial with the installations "Bing Bang", "Onde" and "Etats de l'âme". It would be hard to believe that this is possible: in Vaduz, the 2 metal cubes made up of 24 movable steel plates evoke the " Etats de l'âme". ", a contrast between lightness and weight. In "Bing Bang", if you touch the sphere, it immediately begins to breathe and emit sounds, reminders of an infinity that resonates within us. Sculpture and nature seem to be one and the same and transform into a poetic structure, of rhythms and forms in constant evolution. And sometimes you repeat it over and over again and you're carried away by a meditative, pulsating, dance-like movement that makes the world ring. The archaic power and poetic fragility inherent in Krähenbühl's works can also be felt in "Onde". Like a flying carpet, metal blades undulate over a length of nine meters. A gesture is enough to initiate music from the floating construction. While Krähenbühl's sculptures seem sensitive and touching, they are also critical in terms of content: they underline the vulnerability of nature suspended in a vast universe and the flexibility that man and nature can develop.
«Die Inszenierung des Materials gibt mir einen neuen Raum für diese Empfindungen zwischen Leben und Tod, zwischen Leichtigkeit und Schwerkraft, zwischen Lust und Angst.»