Bierreth Katharina
Born in Innsbruck in 1965, Katharina Bierreth-von Hartungen now lives and works in Mauren, Liechtenstein. In her sculptures, effigies and installations, the artist deals with the phenomenon of the superficially inconspicuous and fleeting in everyday life. Often barely noticed, these phenomena can sometimes irritate or even unnerve us.
Katharina Bierreth-von Hartungen's installations artistically capture these fleeting encounters with everyday phenomena and show us things for what they actually are. In this way, she opens up a space for us to enter into discourse with the events of our everyday lives and to view them critically. For example, what do we associate with tablets: health and well-being, or illness and pain? Can ingested granules, pressed into an aesthetic form, really fulfil our expectations, or do they deceive our perception? In the end, do they simply remain the things that they are?
«Using various materials, I try to capture and interpret ephemera (the fleeting?) and make it tangible and palpable for the recipient in the mostly walk-in installations.»