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Dr Gindi


Dr Gindi was born in Germany in 1965 but now lives and works in Switzerland. She is known internationally for her semi-figurative work. Her bronze sculptures offer fascinating portrayals of possible states of being. She explores the restless state of broken identity in the infinity of our existence and lays bare the emptiness of the human condition to express the inexpressible – which can never be absolute.

Dr Gindi’s life-size bronze sculpture «The Fateful Choice» will feature at the 9th Swiss Triennial of Sculpture, Bad Ragartz, in 2024. It takes the form of a female figure holding a knife behind her back, creating a palpable sense of uncertainty about hidden polarities and prophecies. Like all of Dr Gindi’s pieces, «The Fateful Choice» is left open to interpretation and debate, inviting viewers to scrutinise their own selves through the prism of the sculpture. 

The musing woman immortalised in bronze appears lost in deep contemplation, yet she also conveys an impression of euphoric anticipation. Then comes the moment of realisation: she is fragile, a stranger to herself. The woman and the knife come together – until all that remains is the memory of that decisive moment. 


 «When I am trying to convey the unknown, I create sculptural forms – desperate and determined – at the frayed ends of existence.»


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