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Jastram Michael


Michael Jastram, born in 1953, lives in Niebüll, Schleswig-Holstein. The dominant theme in his work is man in his existential state of mind as well as in his socio-cultural and cultural-historical contexts. In Jastram's work, the form of the human being appears as an archaic figure executed in a consistent style, which despite its powerful appearance always appears vulnerable. The aspect of vulnerability is reinforced by the metaphorical architectures in which Jastram's depictions of people are often integrated. The artist's typical motifs are the carriage, the tower, entire villages or even the boat. On his journey through life, man finds himself almost defencelessly at the mercy of the storm, while at other times he encounters us in the sanctuary of the settlement. In Bad Ragartz, the work "Shelter from the Storm", which is inspired by Bob Dylan's ballad of the same name, exemplifies the tension between being exposed and the hope of a safe haven.

The shelter or refuge for a mother seeking refuge and protection for her child and her horse from an approaching storm can be experienced through an almost square recess in the base of the sculpture. The external danger and the oppressive confinement within the space go hand in hand. In this rudimentary spatial structure, you can literally feel the tension of the mother and child and the restlessness of the horse. Having a shelter, a roof over your head from an approaching storm, is essential for survival for both humans and animals.


«It was always important to me to set off on this journey. The anticipation of arriving is a source of vitality and exciting curiosity. Over the last two decades, I have created a large number of works that are nurtured by the archetype of movement, the wheel, as well as my long involvement with early Scandinavian and Celtic art».

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