Lehmann Nicolas
Born in South Africa, Nicolas Lehmann lives and works in Cape Town and France. The central theme of his artistic work is travelling. This leitmotif can be seen in his works not only humorously and cleverly but also in a philosophically significant way. In Lehmann's work, we encounter a steel caravel floating freely out into the landscape, reminding us of the times of the first daring voyages around the world and the early period of colonialism. The historic three-master is joined by a heavy, bulbous submarine, whose captain laughs cheerfully at us. Each of the rivets, which seem to hold the whimsical vessel made of metal plates together and at the same time show a smiling depiction, is also cheerful.
Although travelling is a beautiful thing, the depth of thought behind the work can also be seen inside the underwater vessel: for this is where the heavy luggage is kept that we all carry with us on our journey through life and often have to carry over long distances and years. Have we been able to leave our experiences behind us at the end of our great journey? Did we run aground or get stranded? Or have we reached the destination of our journey? This is what the traditional message in a bottle may one day tell its random finder. Because the bottle, paper and pen are carefully stowed away in the stern of the submarine.
«Life is a journey»